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About Me

Hi, my name is Mike and I consider myself a very fortunate guy. I have logged well over one million miles flying for work and pretty close to that for pleasure. Some might view that as difficult. Not me. It's a new adventure every time I walk out our front door. 


I'm also lucky that my wonderful wife feels similarly about traveling. We love being away. For me, I think I caught the travel bug early when my parents took my sister and I to England aboard the USS United States. It was 7 days at sea both there and back. Perhaps it was because we could do all types of things around the ship that we couldn't do at home: pick our meals, go to the movies every day, swim in a pool etc. Heck, when you're 6 years old those things matter!


Today, I just love having new experiences. It means far more to me than a new car. If you feel similarly, you might enjoy this site. I sure hope you do anyway!


And my first bit of travel advice is don't wish safe travels on someone, wish them "fun travels" because that is what it's all about!


Fun travels to you & your's!


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